Heart Failure Prediction

by Clinical Features

Use the interactive charts below to explore the dataset

This bar graph displays the average cholesterol rate by chest pain. The average cholesterol for ATA among adults was 233.046. The average cholesterol for NAP among aduts was 197.43. Adults that experience ASY chest pain had an average cholesterol rate of 186.65. Adults that experienced TA chest pain had an average cholesterol rate of 207.06. Atypical Angina had the highest average rate cholesterol.
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Impact of the average cholesterol by age group in patients who have heart disease and those that do not.

While cholesterol does have an impact on overall heart health, it appears that a lack of cholesterol is present in those with heart disease.

This plot shows three different categories of resting ECG results.

Per the dataset attribute information, the categories for Resting ECG are:

  • Normal: Normal
  • ST: has ST-T wave abnormality (T wave inversions and/or ST elevation or depression of > 0.05 mV)
  • LVH: showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Heart Failure Prediction Dataset retrieved from Kaggle dataset created by fedesoriano (September 2021)